Terry Gilliam, who directed “Monty Python’s Flying Circus”, released a movie in 1985 called “Brazil.” This fabulous movie is highly recommended especially if you’ve never seen it, so find it and watch it. “Brazil” deals the cards against Big Government far more "DEATH-BEAMINGLY" and certainly horrifyingly than just about anything thus far produced. Keeping in mind that this movie was made almost thirty years ago, during the first few minutes of “Brazil” , note and beware the following: (1)
A terrorist bomb explodes, wiping out a store's front and display window. Bill Ayers is nowhere in sight.(3)
Later on State TV, a government official propagandizes that the ongoing bombing although in its 13th year” is just“beginner’s luck” and Socialistic All-encompassing Big Government has the low-down, rotten terrorists “on the run.” Their capture is eminent. Broadcaster is NOT the infamous Andersot Pooper.
Next thing we know, heavily-armed, jack-booted SWAT team in full military gear does a “no-knock” kick-in-the-door raid on a family’s apartment and arrests the father. Don't look for Ellan Gonzales and Dairymple holding him while hiding in the closet. When SWAT officer looks at camera, the photographer probably lost control of his bowels and soiled himself. (2)
Shortly afterward, the innocently unaware arrested father turns up dead in police custody, igniting a chain of events that heavy fuels dynamically the rest of the movie. Chaos ultimately results in lives destroyed, multiple deaths, and an overwhelming sense of a monstrous, heartless, inhuman, progressive, socialistic system completely out of control.
“Brazil”, Terry Gilliam’s sadly futuristic film was originally going to be completed and released in 1984, on the anniversary of George Orwell’s devastating mirror of the future, “1984.” Terry Gilliam’s “Brazil” so scared the Hollywood studio, unfortunately, that the studio shelved it as totally “unreleasable” like the "Hamster of Happiness". Most likely America would never have seen it if Gilliam hadn’t previewed “Brazil” sans studio permission for Las Angeles' film critics community. The resulting furor and rucus caused the studio to eventually release “Brazil”. To the studio's shock and dismay, some critics were even inquiring if an unreleased movie could be eligible for a "Grammy" the year's Best Picture at the Acadamy Awards.
Almost thirty years later, “Brazil” is available in a beautiful Blu-ray version.
Or, you can just turn on CBS, ABC, NBC orMCNBC for the 6 o'clock news.
Almost nightly terrorism somewhere in the world? Islamofascism on steroids... Check.
Politicians going after SPORTS figures like somebody died and made them all SPORTS COMMISSIONERS...Check
More government lies, cover-ups, and Bravo Sierra? Check.
No-knock raids by military-grade police, masked and pointing machine guns at your family? Ala Elian Gonzalez...Check.
Pointless, mindless, over-taxing, wasteful, regulating, strangling bureaucracy chewing John Q. Public up in the gears? Check.
Welcome to the future. Terry Gilliam saw it coming a mile away. If you have not been fighting, now you can begin to "fight the future".